Monday, March 12, 2012

Please just go away

He's still living in the basement. I still have to see him every day. Every single day. Sometimes, several times a day. He acts like we're friends and he'll tell me about a show he's been watching or about how great/exhausting/bad his run was that day. It enrages me. I want to tell him to go tell someone who cares but I'm working really hard at keeping myself sane. And part of me being sane is not letting him make me insane. To hold my shit together when I just want to gouge his eyes out.

He was supposed to be gone by the end of this month but on Friday he casually informed me that wouldn't be happening. Just all "there's no way I'll be out by the end of the month." So I went nutty. I told him to go live in a cardboard box but that he had to go. The conversation didn't get better after that. It got rather ugly and screamy and tense.

He said things like "I have nothing right now, you still have money coming in." Yes, that's because, unlike you, I HAVE A JOB. That's why money comes in. It is so annoying to hear him talk about this time in his life as though something has been done to him. As though life's been hard on him. He seems to have no understanding of the choices he's made. Of the actions he knowingly took. Actions that have consequences. But it's not for me to point this out to him (although I'm tempted and sometimes do). My purpose is to get out of this situation, to move on with my life. And I will. It's just going to take a bit longer than I'd anticipated...

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